Saturday, November 9, 2013

Bodies a La Carte: Latin American Women Are Reshaping Their Form Through Plastic Surgery

In Latin America, Women have been desperately demanding surgical operations to reshape their figures. Women were calling and wanting to schedule the surgery for the very next day. A craze for cosmetic surgery has infected Latin America; surgeries demanded include breasts, noses, thighs, eyes, buttocks, and pretty much everything and anything in between. Women all over the continent were eager to improve their appearance, image, self-esteem, and perhaps even their social status. Like many other spectacles of mass media, the plastic surgery craze has been strongly influenced by America and the medias distorted perception of beauty. In America, especially Los Angeles, the media is part to blame for the extreme ideals of beauty. Los Angeles is like this vortex, once you are sucked into this world, you do anything and everything to fit it. Plastic surgery is a taboo subject. I think that if you want to enhance something surgically that is completely a personal choice and other people’s opinions should not matter. However, I do think there is a point where people get addicted and out of control and those people should stop and get some help. In America, statistically it shows that the five most popular plastic surgery procedures are breast augmentations, nose jobs, eyelid surgery, liposuction, and tummy tucks. Each year the percent of these most common surgeries continues to increase, as more people are going under the knife to reshape their bodies. I wish more women felt beautiful in their own skin and did not have to result to plastic surgery to reshape their entire appearance. ~ Chelsea

According to the article, many Latin American women are choosing to basically look like Barbie. However, it’s not just limited to Latin American women, but to American women as well. I find it incredibly odd that a lot of women would go through so many procedures just to look like a piece of plastic or something that’s completely unnatural. Thinking back on the videos we saw the other day about a few people who’ve gotten plastic surgery it’s crazy to think that it’s become an addiction to them. To me plastic/cosmetic surgery is something that can either be positive or negative. It’s negative in the fact that it makes some people completely want to change their natural, physical attributes to the point where they can’t even be recognized anymore for who they once were. But it’s positive in the fact that it helps people who have been victims of violence or dangers such as those who have been burned or attacked. It’s also positive for those who have been victims of bullying for their “physical abnormalities.” So basically plastic surgery can either be a good thing or a bad thing depending on how you look at it. ~ Ashley


Women in Brazil aspire to look like a “Nordic Fantasy”—big boobs, small nose, aka Barbie. The demand for rhinoplasty and breast augmentation has seen a great increase throughout the most recent years. Women see getting a nose job or getting a breast augmentation as simple as getting a new hairstyle. Women in Brazil see plastic surgery as a big deal. I feel that plastic surgery is not yet seen as a mundane, every day occurrence but it is well on its way. Women in Brazil are not ashamed too admit that they have had cosmetic surgery. In fact, it is liberally announced on the covers of magazines and stars open u p about those surgeries. Magazine covers will say “check out _______’s new body” and that encourages even more women to go get procedures done. On the other hand, we tend to shun women for getting plastic surgery and it is rare to hear celebrities admitting to having had surgery. I do not understand why the women in Brazil are re-shaping their bodies. Every nationality has qualities that make it unique. We tend to want to look like the women of Brazil, with their thick thighs and shaped butts. And they want to look like the Barbies from California. No one is happy with what they have. Everyone just needs to embrace what they have or else we will all end up looking the same. I, on the other hand, have not had any plastic surgery procedures done and I do not plan on having any. I do, however, plan on taking care of my skin and having an intensive skincare routine. I also realize that eating healthy is important for our skin as well. ~ Sandy

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